This page provides access to a comprehensive set of technical REDD+ training material which was produced by the FCPF in collaboration with Wageningen University and the Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) initiative. This material responds to the need for technical assistance and guidance for countries to improve operational forest monitoring and capacity to measure, report and verify the results of REDD+ intervention.
A network of international technical experts co-authored the material and independent reviewers helped ensure consistency with established international good practice guidance on pertinent methods and technology for forest monitoring. This material is made publically and freely available under a Creative Commons license.
A modular structure allows the material to be used in different settings such as workshops, hands-on training, or project technical assistance. The material is encouraged to be used in combination with the FCPF REDD+ Decision Support Tool and complementary guidance documents (such as GOFC-GOLD Sourcebook or technical guidance from the Global Forest Observation Initiative).
The fourteen training modules can easily be tailored to different audiences such REDD+ policy experts, technical experts or technical project advisors and includes country examples and training exercises to provide users a practical entry point.
The full set of training material is available in Spanish and French; and, several recorded lectures are accessible on You Tube.
This material is made publically and freely made available under a Creative Commons license.
Click the link to each module below for related resources. These materials are also hosted on the GOFC-GOLD site: