FCPF Participants

The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility has two main categories of participants that make up the two decision-making bodies of the FCPF, the Participants Assembly and the Participants Committee (more on FCPF Governance):

FCPF Country Participants

Country Participants are developing countries located in a subtropical or tropical area that have signed agreements to participate in the FCPF Readiness and Carbon Funds.

Donor Participants

Donor Participants are governments from developed countries, and in the case of the Carbon Fund, also include contributors from a non-governmental organization and the private sector.


Official observers also play an important role in FCPF’s Participants Assembly and Committee. These observers come from organizations that represent forest-dependent indigenous people and other forest dwellers, international organizations, including the UNFCCC Secretariat and UN-REDD Programme, as well as non-governmental organizations and non-contributing private sector entities. Observers participate in all the meetings and have the same access as participants to FCPF information and communications.  

Advisory Panels

The FCPF establishes a number of ad hoc Technical Advisory Panels made up of individual experts to advise FCPF governance bodies on specific issues (including the review of readiness plans) and to provide technical assistance in REDD+-related issues. 

Facility Management Team

The World Bank is the Trustee of the Readiness Fund and the Carbon Fund and provides secretariat services through a Facility Management Team. It ensures that FCPF operations comply with applicable policies in the areas of safeguards, procurement and financial management. 

Delivery Partners

The World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the United Nations Development Programme are delivery partners under the Readiness Fund and responsible for providing REDD+ readiness support services to distinct countries. 

FCPF 2024 Annual Report

The 2024 FCPF annual report spotlights a banner year for total FCPF emission reductions payments, which more than tripled from $53.2 million in 2023 to $164.5 million in 2024.