FCPF Governance

The FCPF’s Participants Committee and Participants Assembly are at the core of its governance structure. The Participants Committee is the main decision-making body of the FCPF, and meets twice a year to review submissions and select new participant countries, as well as approve funding allocations, rules of procedure, budgets and new methodologies. The Participants Assembly meets annually to elect the Participants Committee and provide general guidance.

These governing bodies comprise representative from 47 developing countries (18 in Africa, 18 in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 11 in Asia-Pacific), 17 donors participants, and active observers from northern and southern indigenous peoples, civil society and women’s organizations, as well as several international delivery partners.

The World Bank is the trustee of the FCPF’s Readiness Fund and Carbon Fund and provides secretariat services through a Facility Management Team. The Facility Management Team administers the Funds and makes proposals to the FCPF Participants Committee and provides country advisory services and REDD+ methodological support.

More on FCPF Participants


FCPF 2024 Annual Report

The 2024 FCPF annual report spotlights a banner year for total FCPF emission reductions payments, which more than tripled from $53.2 million in 2023 to $164.5 million in 2024.