Mozambique is one the few sub-Saharan countries with a significant portion of natural forest covering 51% of its territory (40.6 million hectares). However, deforestation and forest degradation have been increasing in recent years, due to several direct drivers of deforestation including small-scale agriculture, charcoal production, timber exploitation and illegal logging.
9 districts of Zambézia Province, in central Mozambique
The Zambézia Integrated Landscape Management Program, an ambitious, cross-cutting initiative to promote sustainable rural development in one of Mozambique’s poorest and most populous provinces, is the first of its kind in the country. The project area hosts lush forests, fertile soils, river systems, and an extensive coastline. The ER program focuses on investment activities that will promote conservation and climate-smart agriculture, create sustainable supply chains for cash-crop production, develop multipurpose tree plantations, restore degraded lands, improve the efficiency of charcoal production and consumption, and strengthen the management of protected areas.

FCPF 2024 Annual Report
The 2024 FCPF annual report spotlights a banner year for total FCPF emission reductions payments, which more than tripled from $53.2 million in 2023 to $164.5 million in 2024.