REDD+ has been developed at two different scales that differ in their approach and methodologies:

  • Jurisdictional: Subnational and/or country-wide programs, often extending across several million of hectares and usually carried out by governments as part of wider national and sectoral policies, their interventions are shaped as policies, regulations, and investment programs, which are largely financed by public resources or concessional finance.  
  • Project: Geographically demarcated areas within which an activity takes place, usually in the thousands of hectares. Projects are usually carried out by private sector actors (although sometimes in collaboration with governments), are financed by private investments and are designed to respond to the drivers and circumstances of a specific area (the project are and its surroundings).  

Although both approaches may complement and interact in different ways (described in the World Bank’s Nesting of REDD+ Initiatives : Manual for Policymakers), the World Bank, through the FCPF, supports implementation at the jurisdictional scale. Implementation at jurisdictional-scale is consistent with UNFCCC decisions related to the REDD+ framework (non-market mechanism), and it is supported by several entities (c.f. Tropical Forest Credit Integrity (TFCI) Guide and the WWF) as appropriate for carbon markets .  

REDD+ programs approved under the FCFP have been designed and implemented by REDD+ countries with the support from the World Bank and other entities. The World  
Bank has provided a comprehensive support package to countries that includes technical assistance, investments and result-based payments that provides incentives and rewards for countries to operationalize programs that deliver social and environmental outcomes, including high-integrity carbon credits.  Support to jurisdictional programs included:

  • Provision of readiness support to governments to build national capacities and robust frameworks to enable the implementation of jurisdictional programs.  
  • Support of the implementation of robust monitoring systems owned by national agencies and based on state-of-the-art ground-based and remote-sensing based measurements.  
  • Support for the development of frameworks for the inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and women.
  • Support for the implementation of safeguards – social and environmental – which are aligned to the World Bank safeguards.
  • Support for the development of transparent and equitable benefit sharing arrangements that enables communities to benefit.
  • Design of robust jurisdictional-scale programs that address the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, enhance carbon stocks, and maximize non-carbon benefits, through well-defined mitigation and enabling environment activities.  
  • Alignment and leverage of investments from the World Bank (IBRD/IDA) and other sources (e.g., Climate Investment Funds, Global Environmental Facility, Green Climate Fund) within jurisdictions.  
  • Crowd-in of private sector investment by engagement and mobilization.