As part of our FCPF efforts of leveraging the private sector through activities and engagement in a specific supply chain to drive the reduction in deforestation, we are working on the cocoa sector by promoting sustainable cocoa initiatives through agroforestry.  

The Cocoa & Forest Knowledge Exchange program is part of the objective of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) of leveraging the private sector through activities and engagement in specific supply chains to drive the reduction in deforestation. Alisos and Kinomé, with the support of the WCPF and World Bank country teams, is organizing a series of webinars with participants from Ghana, Ivory Coast, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic to connect exchange and learn the different realities in cocoa-producing countries. This initiative seeks to promote and strengthen a global network of sustainable cocoa actors.  

This is a ten-month program (please see here for details: Full program ), divided into two phases: 

1) The first five sessions were conducted with a core of key cocoa stakeholders from each country building alliances and expanding technical knowledge and experiences.  

2) This month we are starting a new phase bringing together stakeholders of the cocoa value chain as well as interested organizations, initiatives, and institutions. In the following five sessions, participants will be able to connect, exchange, and learn different realities in cocoa production, processing, distribution, and commercialization.  (For more information, please see the Wider Group Brochure)

Watch videos capturing practical sustainable cocoa production experiences:

Smart Agroforestry According to Ambroise N'Koh, Cote d'Ivoire: Champion farmer implementing Cocoa Agroforestry in Cote d'Ivoire. 6.45m  (Original language French - with subtitles in Spanish or English)
Challenges of Cocoa Agroforestry in the Dominican Republic: The importance of Agroforestry and certification, working with smallholders. 15.29m (Original language  Spanish - with subtitles in French or English
Agroforestry Tradition and Innovation in Satander, Colombia: Cocoa Agroforestry design and valorization, working with smallholders. 10,11m (Original Spanish - with subtitles in French or English)
Cocoa, Forests & Peace in Caqueta (Amazonia), Colombia: The importance of having a holistic approach from research to access to market and MRV. 12.21 m (Original language Spanish - with subtitles in French or English)
Camaye Vert, an Agroforestry Pilot by the Farmers, Cote d'Ivoire: Example of cocoa Agroforestry at plot level. 9.29 m (Original language French - with subtitles in Spanish or English)
NAWA Project and La Mé (REDD+) projects: Landscape approach at the service of a sustainable cocoa, Cote d'Ivoire. Public-Private partnerships within REDD approach; Reforestation and Conservation, livelihoods. 20.31m(Original language French - with subtitles in Spanish or English)


FCPF 2024 Annual Report

The 2024 FCPF annual report spotlights a banner year for total FCPF emission reductions payments, which more than tripled from $53.2 million in 2023 to $164.5 million in 2024.