Introduction Compared to areas managed by governments or private entities, forestlands held by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) with secure land rights are associated with lower rates of deforestation, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, better biodiversity protection, and improved livelihoods. Securing formal recognition and security of customarily held land rights is an important step towards improving the efficacy and inclusivity of emissions reductions projects, and achieving global climate and biodiversity goals. A new report, “Opportunity Assessment to Strengthen Collective Tenure Rights in Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Carbon Fund Countries” identifies pathways for strengthening collective land tenure rights of IPLCs and features detailed Carbon Fund country profiles. Brought to you by The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) of the Climate Funds Management Unit, together with the Social Sustainability and Inclusion GP, this webinar will present the findings of the study, including examples of core and country-level findings, cross-sectoral issues, and lessons learned. Experts will discuss the significance and potential applications of these findings for Carbon Fund countries, IPLCs, and land and forest rights practitioners. This webinar is the first in a series on social inclusion in climate finance. Collective Land Tenure Report Summary When and how to connect