The 2024 FCPF annual report spotlights a banner year for total FCPF emission reductions payments, which more than tripled from $53.2 million in 2023 to $164.5 million in 2024.
Originally developed as a concept by the World Bank and The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the FCPF gained critical support in 2007, when Germany, as host of the Group of Eight Summit, successfully advocated for the initiative to be endorsed by the G-8 governments. Six months later, in December 2007, the FCPF was formally launched at the high-level United Nations climate negotiations in Bali by the World Bank, nine donor governments and TNC. Today, the Partnership has grown to include 36 forest developing countries, 18 financial contributors (including two private companies and one NGO), active observers from indigenous peoples and civil society, and several international organizations as delivery partners.
Documentation on the consultation and early design process of the FCPF is provided below.
FCPF Information Memorandum (June 13, 2008)
FCPF Consultation and Design Process
- G8 Heiligendamm Summit Declaration on Growth and Responsibility in the World Economy, June 7, 2007 (encouragement to the World Bank to set up a "forest carbon partrnership" in paragraph 56)
- Paris Consultation Meetings - July 18-20, 2007
- Washington Consultation Meetings - November 8-9, 2007
- Washington Consultation Meetings - November 12-13, 2007
Early Correspondence with NGOs
- With NGOs
- With Global Witness
- With Greenpeace
- With WRI
- CSO memorandum to the FCPF Participants Assembly - October 24, 2009
- Cover letter to CSO memorandum to the FCPF Participants Assembly - October 24, 2009
- Press Release: Position of the Working Group for Civil Society, Climate Change and REDD+ in DRC on the joint UN-REDD and FCPF mission - October, 2009 (Fran §ais)
Information Exchanges with Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples and other Forest Dwellers
- Tebtebba Asia Workshop Report (draft) - February 28-29, 2008
- IPACC Africa Workshop Report - March 13-14, 2008 (English, French)
- Fondo Indigena Latin America Workshop Report - March 18-19, 2008
- Letter to Workshop Participants - June 3, 2008
- Matrix of comments and responses