Image courtesy of MINAM    


December 4th at 13:30 – 15:40

The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM) of Perú

Piloting REDD+ results based payments at national and subnational scales

Viveros Auditorium at Forest Pavilion

This panel discussion at the Forest Pavilion will showcase how countries with different needs are using a common Methodological Framework and General Conditions to prepare Emission Reductions Programs at national (Costa Rica and Guatemala) and subnational (Chile and Peru) scales. The South-South knowledge exchange will emphasize the different scope (Chile-degradation, Peru-deforestation, Costa Rica-conservation, and Guatemala-carbon stocks increase) and different jurisdictional approaches. After countries presentations, we will hear an FCPF Carbon Fund donor perspective on the Emission Reductions Program preparation.


  • Discuss how emission reductions programs are being prepared at different scale and scopes under a common Methodological Framework and under the bases of unique General Conditions.
  • Introduce and discuss the preparation of LULUCF emission reductions programs with subnational and subnational scales under a jurisdictional approach for results based payments.
  • South-south knowledge exchange between Latin American countries that have been accepted in the Carbon Fund pipeline of the CCGCF/World Bank.
  • Introduce four different approaches under the same Methodological Framework and common General Conditions.







Registration and lunch


Introducing the event and the panel experts (Ellysar Baroudy-FCPF)


Four panelists will speak on behalf of Chile (CONAF), Costa Rica (FONAFIFO), Guatemala (Ministry of the Environment) and Peru (MINAM). The discussion will focus on:

a.       The preparation of Emission Reductions Programs at national and subnational scales with different scopes and approaches,

b.       Performance - based payment system for Emission Reductions generated under a common Methodological Framework from REDD activities, with a view to ensuring equitable benefit sharing and promoting future large scale positive incentives for REDD

Presentations: Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru


Norway/Germany will provide a donors perspective on behalf of the FCPF/Carbon Fund Participants about piloting REDD+ results based payments at national and subnational scales.


Plenary / Panel (participants questions to panel experts)


Conclusions (Ellysar Baroudy-Moderator)


End of the event