Carbon Fund Methodological Framework

About the Methodological Framework

The Methodological Framework is a set of 37 criteria and related indicators (C&I), associated with five major aspects of Emission Reductions Programs: level of ambition, carbon accounting, safeguards, sustainable program design and implementation, and ER Program transactions. The Methodological Framework will be used by Carbon Fund Participants (amongst other selection criteria) to select ER Programs into the Carbon Fund portfolio. As such, ER Programs proposed by REDD+ Countries to the Carbon Fund are expected to demonstrate conformity with the Framework’s criteria.


Carbon Fund Methodological Framework 

English, Spanish, French

Webinar: Understanding the Carbon Fund Methodological Framework (Video)


Guidance on the Methodological Framework for the Carbon Fund of the FCPF



Development process

The Methodological Framework was developed over a period of twelve months. The process included presentations on the design of the Methodological Framework at four Carbon Fund and Participants Committee meetings, three Working Group meetings and three REDD+ Design Forums. During the design phase, Carbon Fund Participants agreed to share a working draft of the Methodological Framework (version of September 5, 2013) and stakeholders were invited to share their views. The FCPF Facility Management Team (FMT) subsequently produced a final draft Methodological Framework in mid November, 2013 for consideration and potential adoption by Carbon Fund Participants. The Methodological Framework was approved by Carbon Fund Participants at the 8th meeting of the Carbon Fund on December 9, 2013.

Further background information:


Frequently Asked Questions

FCPF 2024 Annual Report

The 2024 FCPF annual report spotlights a banner year for total FCPF emission reductions payments, which more than tripled from $53.2 million in 2023 to $164.5 million in 2024.