
Supporting Sustainable Vanilla Practices in Madagascar

Deforestation and Forest degradation are the second leading causes of global warming, the changes required to move from current development pathway to a low carbon, climate resilient future required not only dedicated climate funds but private sector to play a much larger role in being part of this transformation.

Madagascar is the leading producer and exporter of vanilla worldwide and vanilla production is a key driver of economic growth and livelihoods income, particularly in Sava region. It is imperative to promote environmentally sustainable practices that manage the sector growth in a forest friendly, economically inclusive way.

In order to fill the knowledge gaps and facilitate effective on-the-ground actions and with the aim of upscaling the private sector in sustainability business, the World Bank, through The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), has conducted technical and financial research on vanilla practice, publishing a Manual on sustainable vanilla practice and relevant communication tools targeting an audience of supply chain actors as farmers groups, intermediaries, exporters and importers as well as government bodies responsible for vanilla in Madagascar.

A Guide for sustainable vanilla production, good practices in the Sava region of Madagascar

The Guide for sustainable vanilla production, good practices in the Sava region of Madagascar presents production practices that can contribute to zero deforestation production and inform priorities for promoting forest friendly practices at different levels of the value chain. It investigates solutions and suggests strategies to overcome barriers to private sector engagement and prioritizes sectoral initiatives and companies’ commitments to zero deforestation pledges.

The second part of this report focuses on the financial aspects of implementing best agricultural practices for sustainable vanilla production based on manual, which could unlock investments for maximizing finance for development.

The guide has been developed by sustainability consultancy, Kinomé, with Drawings by artist, Nino Pillar, a whole range of vanilla specialists provided significant reviews and inputted into the report through focus groups and individual conversations during the period of January 2021 - April 2022 based on initial on technical research conducted in 2020 by World Bank consultant.

You can download the full report in English and French and a shorter version (the executive summary) in Malagasy and find additional resources:

  • A handbook in FR describing step by step of recommended sustainable practices.
  • A poster in FR and MA explaining with infographics by Nino best practices in sustainable vanilla production.