Grievance Redress Mechanisms

A national feedback and grievance redress mechanism (GRM) needs to be effectively available, and if necessary strengthened, as part of the country's REDD+ institutional arrangements. Such a mechanism needs to be available to REDD+ stakeholders from the earliest stages of R-PP implementation to address requests for feedback or complaints by any REDD+ Readiness stakeholder, with particular attention to providing access to geographically, culturally or economically-isolated or excluded groups.

It is important to understand that the nature of grievances usually differs during the REDD+ Readiness phase and later in the implementation of REDD+ programs. Accordingly, potential grievances and disputes require a different approach during the Readiness preparation stage and the Carbon Fund operational stage.

During the Readiness preparation phase, numerous questions, inquiries, and grievances usually arise about the REDD+ Readiness strategy and the process of developing it (i.e. process of consultation and participation processes). The consultative part of the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) should help to identify issues and stakeholders and provide a forum for discussion. During the Readiness preparation phase, effective mechanisms and capacity will need to be put in place to address grievances that may arise during the Carbon Fund operational stage.

During the Carbon Fund operation stage, grievances are likely to arise around the implementation of REDD+ policies and mechanisms on the ground.  Grievances may relate to rules for benefit sharing, resource and tenure rights, implementation of territorial planning, etc. These types of disputes should be addressed by the grievance mechanisms that have either been designed or strengthened during the Readiness stage.