FCPF-UN-REDD joint papers: stakeholder participation, benefit sharing, safeguards

  • The UN-REDD Programme and the World Bank-hosted Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) are pleased to announce the publication of three jointly commissioned papers on multi- stakeholder participation, benefit sharing and safeguards initiatives for REDD+.


  • A Draft Framework for Sharing Approaches for Better Multi-Stakeholder Participation Practices: Many countries are beginning to engage stakeholders in domestic REDD+ decision-making processes, often with support from bilateral, multilateral and non-governmental initiatives. This publication seeks to support the effectiveness of such processes by identifying emerging lessons on stakeholder participation practices.  The publication focuses on 4 topics: a) A set of common terms relating to stakeholder participation; b) A framework for categorizing and describing different types of stakeholder engagement processes to facilitate sharing of relevant experiences; c) A discussion of the types of information most relevant for practitioners to share; and d) Next steps for developing a comprehensive and sustained approach to sharing information and experiences between and among partners, and identifying good practices.


  • REDD+ Benefit Sharing: A Comparative Assessment of Three National Policy Approaches:  This publication outlines national benefit-sharing approaches from three areas of forest management policy with respect to REDD+, including: payments for ecosystem services (PES), participatory forest management (PFM) and forest concession revenue sharing arrangements. This paper begins with a broad overview of each policy approach, incorporating examples of such approaches in practice from several countries. Country experiences with regard to their national REDD+ planning are briefly profiled as demonstrative of each approach.  Next, the architectural traits of the policy approaches are comparatively evaluated, and a brief assessment provided of their abilities to address drivers of deforestation. Finally, some challenges and lessons learned from REDD+ benefit sharing planning to date are summarized, including suggestions of where next steps might be focused and some conclusions offered.


  • A Review of Three REDD+ Safeguard Initiatives: While the AWG-LCA decision forms the basis for safeguards in the context of support for readiness and REDD+, questions remain as to how they will be interpreted and applied, the extent of the benefit that they can provide and the challenges in their implementation. This publication seeks to contribute to the discussion on practical experiences regarding safeguards by outlining current approaches to the application of social and environmental standards and principles. It highlights the current REDD+ safeguard initiatives from the FCPF, the UN-REDD Programme, and REDD+ Social and Environmental Standards (SES), and the lessons learned and anticipated challenges to application of REDD+ safeguards.