PA5/PC13, October 20-23, 2012, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

Pre-PC Workshop

Agenda ItemDocument
 Updated Logistics Note (Vaccination requirements and Field Visits)
1Assessment Framework for the Readiness Package Assessment Note (English, Spanish, French) and Presentation
3FCPF Letter of Intent template and ERPA term sheet presentation




Agenda ItemDocument
 Opening speech: Ministre Henri DJOMBO, (Ministre de l'Economie Forestière et du Développement Durable) and Eustache Ouayoro (WB Director of Operations, Republic of Congo).

Agenda (English, Spanish, French)

Field Trip Options (English, Spanish, French)

4Strategic Direction of the FCPF: Activities to be supported through the Readiness Fund (English, French, Spanish) and Presentation

FCPF Letter of Intent template and ERPA term sheet presentation

ERPA Term Sheet - Oct 18 (English Track Changed version, English Clean version,

ERPA Term Sheet - Sept 21 (English, Spanish, French) and Q&A

6DRAFT: Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the FCPF (English, Spanish, French)
Draft M&E ppt FMT 10-18-12
Draft M&E Framework 10-18-12
7Assessment Framework for the Readiness Package Assessment Note (English, Spanish, French) and Presentation
8ePeru special progress report to the Participants Committee

Final PC13 Resolutions

 Participants list


Participants Assembly

Agenda ItemDocument
1Procedures for Election of the Participants Committee and PC Bureau
  • Future Drivers of Deforestation in the Congo Basin: Presentation by Benoit Bosquet
  • Deforestration trends in the Congo Basin: Presentation by Jean-Christophe Carret
  • Initiatives de modélisation dans le cadre du processus REDD+ en RDC: Presentation by Vincent Kasulu
  • Impact potentiel de l’exploitation minière sur la dynamique REDD+ dans le Bassin du Congo: Cas du Cameroun:
    Presentation by Hon. Jean-Jacques Zam
3aRemarks from IDB
3bRemarks from UNDP
3cRemarks from UN-REDD Programme
3dRemarks from UNFCCC
3gRemarks from Northern CSO Observer
3hRemarks from Private Sector
4Resolution: Election of the Participants Committee and the Bureau of the Participants Committee (English, Spanish, French)
 Co-Chairs' summary (English, Spanish, French)


Other Documents

Global Program Review of the FCPF by the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group
Proposal for Alignment between the FIP Dedicated Grant Mechanism's Global Component and the FCPF Capacity Building Programs in the Context of their Work with Indigenous Peoples Groups and Local Communities: FCPF FMT Note 2012-11 and Presentation
IDB Transfer Agreement
UNDP Transfer Agreement
FCPF Dashboard - October 2012
Nicaragua Letter

Communications from Cameroon NGOs on R-PP

Letter from Suriname