National Forest Monitoring Systems

A key building block in REDD+ Readiness is setting up robust and transparent national forest monitoring systems (NFMS). The FCPF supports countries in the design of NFMS that build on existing systems and use a combination of remote sensing and ground-based forest carbon inventory approaches.


REDD+ Decision Support Toolbox 

Sound quantitative estimates of forest extent and quality are essential for REDD+. The observation of forest change is fundamental to demonstrate emission reductions that result from policies and measures. Developing forest reference emission levels (emission baselines) and monitoring capacity requires REDD+ countries to make a number of technical and policy decisions and build capacity.

To assist countries in this respect, the FCPF developed the ‘REDD+ Decision Support Toolbox’ that lets users explore policy, methodological and technological options for a specific jurisdictional area and context. It also provides comprehensive technical training materials.

How it works: The interactive toolbox is intended to be used by FCPF countries as they consider the design and technical components of their national or subnational REDD+ programs. It provides practical guidance based on existing REDD+ frameworks including the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change the FCPF’s Carbon Fund Methodological Framework. 

Users are guided through four modules, some of which require data input - REDD+ Design, Reference Levels, National Forest Monitoring systems, and Reporting and Verification.  The exercise usually takes about an hour to complete, and upon finishing a summary shows all the key decisions made and customized reference levels that can help countries conceptualize what decisions fit together and where the greatest opportunities for emission reductions might be under a REDD+ program. 

GOFC-GOLD Training Modules

Complementary to the REDD+ Decision Support Toolbox, this set of training materials was produced jointly with the Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) initiative.  This resource was created in response to country calls for technical assistance and guidance for improving operational forest monitoring and building capacity to measure, report and verify the results of REDD+ intervention.

How it works: The material includes fourteen self-guided technical modules with practical country examples and training exercises. This modular structure means the material can be used in different settings (workshops or hands-on training) and be tailored to different audiences (REDD+ policy or in-country technical experts). This material can be used in combination with the FCPF REDD+ Decision Support Tool and complementary guidance documents (such as GOFC-GOLD Sourcebook or technical guidance from the Global Forest Observation Initiative).

It is also available in Spanish and French.