Monitoring and Evaluation

FCPF Program Level Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

The FCPF Program Level Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework was adopted by the Participants Committee (PC) at its fourteenth meeting in Washington in March 2013. Editorial revisions were made in June 2013 to align the framework to the Readiness Package adopted by the PC in March 2013 (refer to FMT Note 2012-11 rev2).

At the FCPF program level, the M&E Framework is designed to keep track of the performance of the Facility. The M&E Framework consists of a structure and system to ensure that all key data is collected, analyzed and used in a way that helps ensure lesson learning and adaptive management at the Facility level.

At the country-level, national M&E systems are fundamental to robust REDD program design. M&E systems help a country keep track of its activities, results and readiness progress and identify and address gaps, shortfalls, and program underperformance as they emerge. The M&E Framework uses the readiness requirements set out for each component in the Readiness Assessment Framework to help guide country reporting.


Key Documents

FCPF M&E Framework: (EnglishSpanishFrench)

Template for country reportingREDD+ Country M&E reporting (French)

M&E Flyer: Overview on the FCPF M&E Framework


Instructions for Annual/Semi-Annual Country Progress Reporting

Countries report progress annually (by August 15) and semi-annually (by March 15), prior to PC meetings. Countries with a signed a Grant Agreement should submit their country progress report using the user-friendly word version of the reporting template (French). Countries that have not yet signed a Grant Agreement have the option of submitting their country progress report using the user-friendly word version of the reporting template  (French) or may continue using the old country progress sheet. Reports should be prepared in consultation with the appropriate Delivery Partner.


Aligning FCPF Reporting to Country-Level REDD+ Monitoring & Evaluation

Aligning FCPF readiness progress reporting to country-level REDD+ M&E reporting can help countries to identify key readiness milestones and outcomes desired to be achieved in the short and medium term. It helps countries to move from activity-based to results-based monitoring and track their overall readiness progress (including FCPF and non-FCPF funded readiness activities). To assist countries, the FCPF has developed the following resources:


Second FCPF Evaluation Report


Frequently Asked Questions